Many of you have asked how Lucy is adjusting...... we are happy to say she is doing great! She likes to sniff around Cooper's things (especially dirty diapers). If we aren't watching closely she likes to try and lick his hands. :0 However, I'll admit there are days when you can tell she needs some love and attention. Don't worry..... we still give it to her - especially Phil!
Below are some picts of Lucy and Cooper! Had to throw in these first two for you to enjoy - they were taken while we were cooking dinner last night!
ps - most of the pictures of Lucy were taken with our phones - not great quality - sorry!
4 days ago
Cooper is getting so big! (not really - but he is changing and growing!) Lucy and Cooper will become the best of friends. Another reason why I think you don't birth a toddler - the dog can get used to a sweet little baby and then by the time they are running around crazy trying to ride them they wouldn't trade that wild (sweet!) little person for anything : )