Friday, June 14, 2013

Potty Party!

Adios diapers!!! Yahooooooo!!! As of a few weeks ago Cooper is officially out of diapers and in big boy underwear! We dedicated a week for staying home and doing the "3 day potty training boot camp method." Basically, the first two days they are naked from the waste down and you pump them with fluids so they'll go to the potty as much as possible. Boy did it work. Cooper usually only has juice boxes at birthday parties, but on the first day I think I let him have 10. He went to the potty 22 times on the first day! After each successful time on the potty he received small treats and put a sticker on his potty chart! Seems silly/cheesy, but it worked for us and for that I say it was well worth it! On the third day we introduced big boy underwear, but still stayed around the house so he wouldn't have too many distractions! 
He's doing great and we are so proud of him!  
Admiring his potty chart when he came downstairs that morning

adding more stickers
getting a juice box out of the fridge
picking out a treat off the "treat tray"

picking out his big boy underwear!
 He chose Thomas, Cars and Superheros when we bought them at the store
decisions, decisions

pretty cool, huh?!
Looking good!

playing with Lucy
treat time again!
we had to get outside for a lil bit - we were both going a lil' stir crazy

helping daddy wash the car
SUCCESS!!!! Cooper's final potty party chart! 


  1. I love little boys wanna have some fun?

    1. fun for me would be sucking and f--king little boys, you?

    2. add me my youngest so far was 3
